Encoder Pro (HD492)

Release: 5.2.0

Release Notes:

  • Lexi Controller 2.3.4
    • Standby feature now works with any Lexi instance targeting the selected accesscode, regardless of what  instance is selected on the encoder
    • Supports special characters in EEG Cloud passwords
    • Cloud server address is now configurable
  • iCap 4.6.2
    • Key bug fix related to stability of encoder’s connection to iCap server
    • Supports faster resuming of Lexi when standby periods end
  • Significant improvements to OP-42/OP-47 Teletext encoding
  • SCTE-104 Inserter 6.1
    • Improved logging for LAN-based messages
    • LAN messages longer than 128 bytes now supported
  • Miscellaneous
    • iCap Video feed now defaults to 8-9 frames per second
    • Web main page shows Lexi status

Please note that this update will power down your HD492 and the unit will need to be powered back on manually upon completion.

Upgrade Instructions

To apply the update through the front-panel USB port:

  • Download the update file (hd492_5.3.0_r1.tar.bz2) to your computer.
  • Copy the file to a USB flash drive
  • Insert the drive in the front-panel USB slot of the encoder.
  • Go to System Setup | Update on the front-panel LCD menu and press OK when the name of the update is displayed.
  • The update should take 10-15 minutes; when it is complete, the encoder will power off. Please do not power the unit off yourself before this occurs.
  • Remove the USB drive and power up the unit.
  • Once the LCD screen indicates that the update is complete, press the X button to return to the main screen.

To apply the product update through the HD492 Web Portal:

  • Download the update file (hd492_5.3.0_r1.tar.bz2) to your computer.
  • Navigate to the Update page the HD492 Web Portal and click the Choose File button.
  • Select the update file you just saved and then click the Upload button to load the file onto the unit.
  • After the update finishes uploading, click the Proceed button to begin the update process. This should take 10-15 minutes.
  • When the update is complete, the encoder will power off automatically; please do not power the unit off yourself.
  • The web site will indicate that the update is complete once the encoder has been powered back on. You may need to perform a “hard refresh” in your browser in order to see the latest version of the HD492 Web Portal.

Previous releases

Build 5.2.0

  • Lexi Controller 2.3.0
    • Supports putting Lexi into a new standby/pause mode, where Lexi remains running but does not send captions to the encoder. This allows for:
      • faster transitions between Lexi and other sources of captioning,
      • scheduling Lexi jobs from EEG Cloud, whilie not running Lexi upon other caption sources
      • Running fewer Lexi jobs, making it easier to review lists of jobs for debugging purposes.
        • Note: Billing of Lexi hours will still occur while Lexi is paused.
    • SCTE-104 triggers can now be used to block Lexi captions, such as when commercials are active
    • Improved status messages on encoder Lexi web page
    • Maximum row width is now 36 characters (only recommended for use in OP-42/OP-47 output mode, rather than 608/708 mode)
  • Decoder 28.1
    • Improved Teletext decoding in OP-42/OP-47 output mode, including support for Newfor-based workflows
  • iCap 4.6.1
    • iCap Video improvements
      • Allows sending open-captioned video frames (via Caption Settings page)
      • Higher frame rate (8-9 fps)
  • Caption Settings web page
    • Consolidates key encoding and decoding settings into one convenient location
    • Reduces or eliminates need to use Startup Settings editor for custom settings
  • Teletext encoding enhancements
    • Support for OP-42 insertion
    • Improved cross-conversion from 608 to OP-42/OP-47
    • Support for passthrough of upstream OP-47
  • SSL Certificates web page
    • Allows users to upload their own SSL certificates to be used for both inbound access to and outbound access from the encoder
  • System stability improvements
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and feature additions
    • Users can download all logs with one click
    • GPI-A can now be used to trigger a screen erase
    • GPI-G can now be used to block incoming Telnet captions

Build 5.0.1

  • Significantly improved security vulnerability profile due to operating system upgrade
  • Lexi Controller 2.0.2
    • Supports use of saved Lexi instances (configured via EEG Cloud)
    • Web page alerts users to problems with login credentials or with connection to EEG Cloud
  • OP-47 Teletext improvements to enhance readability and improve decoder compatibility
  • iCap audio settings and peak level meters are now accessible via the HD492 Web Portal
  • Improvements to logging and ancillary data capture features
    • Captures of ancillary data from both input and output video can be taken via the HD492 Web Portal
  • System date/time configuration page supports all international time zones
  • Improved handling of SRT files in CCPlay module
Build 4.0.5

  • Lexi Controller 1.3.6
    • Adds support for “Block Lexi on serial port”
    • “Lexi Client” section of web interface updated to improve usability
  • iCap Encoder Client 4.3.1
    • Adds support for speaker change notifications, via GPI or UDP input
    • iCap Video is now enabled by default
  • Display driver 5.30 for front-panel LCD menu
    • iCap audio programs 1-3 can now be configured through the Audio Setup menu
  • Security
    • Updated SSL certificate (expires February 1, 2023)
    • TCP/IP port used by Clone module is now disabled when the module is inactive
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Newfor input now supported on encoders configured for OP-47 CC output mode
    • “F all off” now supported by Startup Settings editor, to disable all upconversion of 608 captions to 708
  • Fixes for the following bugs:
    • (Critical for users of OP-47 CC output mode) Display errors when OP-47 captions are decoded by various set-top boxes and waveform monitors
    • DHCP leases may not be renewed after expiring
    • Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters don’t decode correctly on auxiliary output when decoder mode is active
    • CCPlay and Caption Text Server don’t restart properly after a system reboot, even if licensed
    • New settings applied via AFD web page can’t be saved
    • Incorrect display of settings related to decoder output, on main page of web portal
    • GPO alarm sometimes turns on or stays on while captions are present
    • Unusually high rate of caption input may cause firmware reboot and loss of some settings, until encoder is rebooted

Build 4.0.1

  • Updated operating system to new major version
    • Eliminates many security vulnerabilities in system software components like Apache, OpenSSL, etc.
  • Lexi Controller 1.3.5
    • Supports Lexi 2.0
    • Key bug fixes related to GPI job control and communication with EEG Cloud
    • Added option to automatically restart jobs on return of audio, after inactivity timeout
  • iCap 4.2.0
    • Key bug fixes related to multi-program audio and server connection stability
    • Primary audio program can now be sourced from an individual embedded audio channel, as an alternative to a stereo or surround mix
  • Improved support for Asian language characters in open-caption decoder output
  • Streaming module now supports Zoom
  • Fix for rare issue in which captions will freeze until captioner performs software reset
  • Bug fixes in CCPlay and Simulcast modules

Build 3.3.1

  • iCap now supports SSL (enabled via web configuration page)
  • iCap supports sending multiple audio programs to captioners or to Lexi
  • Supports new “auto mode entry” command for smoother alternation between Lexi and teleprompters
  • Added ST 2110-40 IP Simulcast module (license key required)
  • Supports UTF-8 caption input modes
  • Lexi supports automatic caption positioning via Lexi Vision
  • Time synchronization via PTP is available as a higher-precision alternative to NTP
  • Startup settings can now be applied immediately, without needing to reboot
  • Telnet input port is now configurable
  • Users can download all software logs with one click, as a .zip file
  • High-impact bug fix: resolved issue causing individual bytes to occasionally be dropped from caption data on some encoders
  • Various other bug fixes affecting LCD menu, SCTE-104 inserter, and serial port settings page

Build 3.2.0

  • Updated operating system for increased security
  • Lexi bug fixes and enhancements
  • Added job restart mechanism
  • Language list now automatically updates
  • Hitting “Apply” will make new settings take effect immediately
  • Improved logging
  • Modem LED now lights yellow to indicate connection
  • VANC capture utility now supports output captures
  • Web portal title is now editable
  • Added HTTP API for SCTE-104 insertion
  • Startup settings editor allows immediately applying new settings
  • Various LCD cosmetic display fixes
  • Added iCap lockout functionality to GPI-F and iCap Video support for SD
  • Removed “F1 Blocked” LCD status message
  • Improved Telnet status reporting
  • Various LCD display cosmetic fixes
  • Generate new Web password on boot if none present
  • Added stop button to Caption Text Server
  • iCap feedback now generated for OP-47 captions
  • Added CC4 through iCap S4 access code
  • Improved Force Regen GPI when held active
  • OP-47 enhancements
  • Fixed 9600 serial baud rate communication
  • Fixed Modem B force mode

Build 3.1.2

  • Lexi supports configurable inactivity timeout and blocking on upstream caption data
  • iCap supports captioning to 708 services S3-S6
  • CCRecord supports WebVTT output
  • Improved firmware logging
  • VANC capture feature supports capturing data from output video
  • Added GMT support to web date/time page
  • Added locale setting to web main page
  • Bug fixes for Lexi, web terminal, CCRecord, GPO alarm
  • display 5.19, patch prevents the re-installment of the default DNS IP Address after a power cycle if the address list has been edited and the IP has been removed.

Build 3.1.1

  • Added Network tab for DNS support

Build 3.1.0

  • Lexi custom models now selectable via dropdown input
  • Improved Lexi logging
  • Added “force all caps” option on Lexi configuration page
  • CCRecord now supports WebVTT file format
  • iCap supports encoding into S3 and S4
  • SCTE-104 inserter bug fixes
  • Added support for GPIs E-H

Build 3.0.9

  • Added Lexi Speech Automatic Captioning

Build 3.0.8

  • Added Lexi Speech Automatic Captioning
  • Added ability to generate black background on decoder output channel
  • Added internal 1080i60 video generator (for use when no input video is present)
  • Added support for 1080p50 input video
  • Allow both video channels to be delayed independently of each other in CCMatch mode
  • Changed how video standard strings are displayed to match industry-standard conventions
  • Bug fixes in the following areas:
    • Serial port setting configuration
    • iCap audio mix controls
    • Analog iCap audio recovery
    • ARIB-B37 caption encoding and decoding
    • OP-47 rollup encoding
    • Front-panel display menu

Build 3.0.6

  • Enhanced CCPlay for TTML support, encoding up to S6, fixed file info tags, fixed newlines in input files now sent as 608 data, added erase on jump feature.
  • Corrected audio mix controls for iCap
  • Normalized analog audio amplitude by 20 dB to match HD480 level
  • Improved LCD command responses reducing front panel LCD display errors
  • Added RS422 save after power cycle picking selection from drop down menu.
  • Enhanced SCTE104 to insert LAN messages by comparing their embedded timestamps to      upstream timecode
  • Improved data repository speed and stability

Build 3.0.5

  • Fixed VANC Readahead.
  • Installs SCTE-104 module (for users upgrading from builds earlier than 3.0.4)

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