LEXI Leash
Release: 2.0.0
What’s New
Lexi Leash is a Windows application that you can connect to your EEGCloud account to create, monitor, stop, re-start and log Lexi Automatic Captioning jobs.
This new application is designed to help Lexi customers:
- Easily track Lexi usage quotas
- Restart jobs similar to previous sessions with one button click
- Monitor current session status
- Avoid unintended charges from sessions accidentally left running
To install Lexi Leash, please download the MSI file and install on any Windows 7 or higher PC.
v 2.0.0 – Update to work with Lexi Instances, not Jobs.
v 1.2.1 – Update to support additional voice recognition engine choices for Lexi.
v 1.1.0 – Updated to put application logs in userdata folder instead of application directory.