Lady making a face - meme

Top 10 Hilarious Deaf Culture Memes

Top 10 funniest memes that will help give you a little insight into the world of the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

Top 10 Hilarious Deaf Culture Memes

Here are the top 10 funniest memes that will help give you a little insight into the world of the Deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Be the first to share the best ones with your friends and spread a giggle or two!

1) I said I was deaf. There’s no need for a wheelchair.

2) Not all deaf people know each other. Do you know my friend Charlotte?


3) Interpreting is my job, don’t interrupt me at work.

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4)  Let’s just laugh and hope it wasn’t a question. 

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5) Not all Deaf people communicate through speech. It all comes down to the individual’s personal preference on how they would like to express themselves both in and outside of the Deaf community. If you’re unsure on how to communicate, just ask.

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6) Top tip: Yelling won’t make me hear you any better- it will only make you look silly. There are many ways you can communicate with a Deaf person. The best thing to do is ask how they would prefer you to communicate.

7) Learning any language takes time. Don’t break a sweat, we all experience the struggle.  



8) People who are Deaf or hard of hearing do not want sympathy, they want inclusion and more access from the hearing world.

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9) Raise your hand if you like being yelled at! This is a common mistake hearing people make when communicating with people who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

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10) Lip reading is no simple task. Let’s meet half way.



Accessibility ASL AUSL Deaf Hard of Hearing Sign Language

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