Deaf Rapper Breaking Down Barriers with His Message

Video of deaf rapper, Warren Snipe, breaking down barriers with his message.

Deaf Rapper Breaking Down Barriers with His Message

Video Transcript: Deaf rapper breaking down barriers with his message

WARREN SNIPE: What’s up, people people. I’m Warren Snipe. Also known as Wawa and I’m in a band called Wawa’s World. And I’m based in the USA, I’m deaf, and I’m also a rapper. I’ve been spreading out a new movement and it’s called Dip Hop. Sign’s what? Dip. Hop. People wonder, “What’s that mean?” It means “hip hop” and the sign for that…hip hop. Hip hop through deaf eyes. Really people know hip hop, hand culture. But Deaf culture is a different story. So, I want to expose people around the world about dip hop, showing Deaf culture through music. Music world right now and hearing culture, tight. Mean. But we have some successful deaf and hard-of-hearing musicians out there. Not many people give the support, but we would love to have the seventy million people worldwide giving support to all the deaf artists out there because they have so much to show you.

But anyway, dip hop. Dip hop is hip hop through deaf eyes. And what I do is expose my Deaf culture positively of what we go through, we can succeed, we can do anything hearing people can do. We just have to work maybe two times, three times, four times, maybe a hundred times harder to become equal or better than our hearing peers. So, dip hop is a really strong thing that I want you guys to be aware of.

I’ve been rapping for a long time. I’ve been doing this for a long time. This is the game that I would not, I can’t…slow down. I have no sign for slowing down. Why? Because there’s so much to be done. We just scratched the surface. But with you, we can break the barrier. We can destroy the barrier to show what dip hop is about: Deaf culture. We’re strong. We’re powerful. And we’re good.

I want to show you something. Yeah. That’s my album. My music album. And it’s called, “Deaf, so what!” Eradicating people of the negative view of “deaf”. “People look deaf.” Wrong. “Deaf people’s not supposed to like music. Deaf people can’t hear it. How can they enjoy music?” That is a barrier. My job, also your job, is to destroy it. Your job is to destroy it. That simple. That negative view of deaf people. Deaf, hard of hearing. There’s some deaf people can speak. I can. Yes, I have a CI. I was born Deaf and I’m proud.

So, my album’s already all over the world and I’m performing with my boy named DJ Nicar. Himself, hearing. But he signs. Personally, best DJ in the world. So… There’s so much I want to say. So much I want to do. But I need you to support. Help me spread the dip hop out there. Music. Rapping. If you ever see me perform, there’s so much I can do. I would love, love, love, to come out to your country, your state, wherever you are. We’re ready. Show some love. Love you.

Accessibility ASL AUSL Deaf Hearing Loss Sign Language

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