Alta 2110 Update Packages
Release Notes:
Installation package for the Alta Web Components that can be used to update an existing Alta virtual machine’s web components.
This package can be used with Alta-TS or Alta-2110 Virtual Machines
Note: v3.0 and higher requires v2.77 or higher in order to be applied through the website. Otherwise you must apply through the OS GUI or command line. Compatible with Debian 10 + 11.
Recent changes
- v3.31.1 (7/11/23)
- Hot fix for Lexi on/off regression bug introduced in v3.31.0
- v3.31.0 (7/10/23)
- Licensing status including type (cloud/offlne), time last renewed and since last renewed, grace period remaining (when applicable) and status message
- Bug fix in System Restore networking routine to properly reset config files for any missing references
- Bug fix for unexpected UI behavior when restarting a networking interface
- Bug fix for Alta channel log feed sometimes blank until you refresh the page if first time running or no previous logs on disk
- Previous log loaded into log stream box now displays log level along with messages
- Bug fix for channel status tab page stops updating after you download a log
- Alta TS channel status page no longer showing Telnet status when no Telnet config is present for channel
- iCap connection status now displayed on Alta TS channel page
- Added documentation for as_index in trigger preset endpoint for SCTE104 parameters (2110-only)
- Improved Alta encoder process management and logging of previous process still running
- Bug fix for running Alta encoder processes not always restarted on reboot
- Lexi functions on trigger_preset API endpoint now check if Lexi creds exist and if Lexi instance exists
- Support for block_upstream and enable_upstream HTTP API triggers of new ‘cc_encoder’ type
- v3.30 (5/15/23)
- Endpoints cue-point, time-signal and preset_trigger (for type=’scte104′) now return success=false and error message if channel is not running or no SCTE35 PID(s) defined in channel settings (TS-only)
- v3.29 (4/17/23)
- CC Auto Erase setting (Alta 2110)
- v3.28 (4/14/23)
- CC Auto Erase setting (Alta TS)
- iCap video PID + SCTE35 PID’s no longer confined to a value of 4095 (Alta TS)
- v3.27 (4/5/23)
- Support for Lexi pause + resume via HTTP GPI preset trigger
- Added options for DVB Subtitle foreground and background text color and transparency
- Prevented apache log from filling with “ntpq: read: Connection refused” messages
- Fixed bug where un-saved channel configuration settings show up on the settings form when cancelling and creating a new channel
- Added VITC offset option
- Updated Bootstrap, JQuery and SlickGrid versions
- Channel status endpoint no longer failing if status file becomes corrupted due to sudden power cycle
- Improved handling of Alta channels taking a long time to shut off
- NMOS re-activation setting and support
- Improved support for NMOS IS-09 failover activations
- Fix for NMOS conf save status bug
- v3.23 (2/13/23)
- Multi-language support
- Can define audio channel mixes per audio program for each service
- CC1,CC2,CC3,CC4 608 ordering option
- NTP support
- Clock page
- Toggle network clock source between PTP, NTP and off
- System time status
- Manually set system time and time zone
- Multi-language support
- v3.22 (1/13/23)
- Added time-signal endpoint for triggering SCTE104/35 time signals with API doc updates.
- Root cause fix for stopped channels sometimes still running in the background.
- Removed deprecated ‘status’ property from status endpoint with API doc update.
- v3.21 (12/14/22)
- UI no longer reports false positive “STOPPED with code -9 – see log” for channel status
- Improved GPI controller service behavior when Address field left blank
- v3.20 (12/12/22)
- Fixed API doc typo in cue-point and trigger_presets URL
- v3.19 (12/7/22)
- Saving interface settings on Network Config page now writes DNS settings to resolv.conf file for immediate efficacy for improved NMOS Unicast DNS-SD discovery
- Improved log cleanup (channel + SCTE35 cleanup moved to separate script with elevated privilege)
- Improved GPI controller logging and failure behavior
- Renamed “System Logs” to “Channel Logs” on channel status tab/page to avoid confusion with actual system logs (i.e. syslog)
- Fixed Lexi Speaker Change GPI preset bug by renaming parameter “delay_comp” to “delay_compensation”
- Updated API document page content
- Added event_id for trigger_presets endpoint preset parameters
- Added full trigger_preset example (JSON + response) for SCTE104 preset
- Added full trigger_preset example (JSON + response) for Lexi preset
- Changed Lexi speaker change parameter from “delay_comp” to “delay_compensation”
- Misc. minor improvements
- v3.17 (11/30/22)
- New cue-point endpoint for triggering SCTE35 cue in/out on any Alta channel
- New trigger_preset endpoint for trigger Lexi//SCTE104 presets on any Alta channel
- gpi_controller no longer constantly restarting and clogging syslog when no active connection to server
- Added log level descriptions to channel settings form
- Preventing instance endpoint from failing when log_file_manager.get_substate_data encounters a corrupted file due to abrupt power off
- v3.16 (10/26/22)
- Fix for unresponsive channel status page
- v3.14 (10/13/22)
- Added a “Test” button on each GPI preset page to allow testing of current settings selected (saved or unsaved)
- Added API endpoint for triggering a pre-saved GPI trigger preset
- Updated API with endpoints and example response info for Network GPI’s
- Fixed backwards compatibility issue with new Flask update which affected some of the download features
- v3.13 (10/10/22)
- Safeguard to prevent duplicate Alta channel processes + better process management logging in system log
- Fix for unicast TS capture bug
- Fix for NMOS conf System Restore bug
- Added “Source” field to SCTE35 table to show “Upstream” or “Local”
- PTP conf default used in System Restore updated with less strict allen deviation thresholds to allow for better PTP sync with software timestamping
- v3.11 (7/18/22)
- CC4 added to CC1,CC2,CC3 language ordering option
- Lexi on/off GPI trigger support
- NMOS Device Explorer
- Added SCTE104 server settings
- v3.10 (6/22/22)
- GPI trigger presets for SCTE104 insertion
- v3.09 (6/14/22)
- Network GPI support
- GPI trigger presets for Lexi speaker change
- v3.08 (6/9/22)
- Fix for regression bug related to API authorization
- v3.07 (5/19/22)
- Fix for TS NAP OS max buffer settings
- v3.06 (5/12/22)
- NAP update bug fix
- 2110 channel status cleared immediately
- v3.05 (5/4/22)
- NMOS interface setting
- NMOS log stream
- Pre-load channel status log whenever tab opened
- v3.04 (4/19/22)
- Added iCap Server field to Device settings for 2110
- v3.02 (4/14/22)
- Python 3 support
- CCMatch delay support (TS only)
- NMOS Registration status and heartbeat status
- NMOS activation log added to System Report per channel
- Added Domain to PTP status
- Added Interface status to PTP status and added workaround for missing PTP interface selected
- Default FEC send settings now 10×10 (TS Only)
- Fixed PTP conf file corruption by System Restore
- Added PTP service status to System Report
- Added PTP logs to System Report
- Alta “Instances” re-named “Channels”
- IS-09 now runs whenever IS-04 Node is started up
- Safeguards for missing 2110 status fields preventing page to load correctly
- System Restore improvements
- Network config bug fix (v2.77)
- Fix for broken backwards compatibility with pre-configured 2110 instances (v2.77)
- Added many more fields to PTP status for easier debugging (v2.77)
- Better 2110 instance Tx/Rx/Telnet status reporting and NMOS links per device (v2.76)
- Realtime NMOS activation table for each 2110 instance for better tracking of incoming activation patches (v2.76)
- Bug fix for FEC settings validation causing failure to save new instance (v2.75)
- 3x faster System Report generation (v2.75)
- Disabled browser caching (v2.75)
- FEC settings (v2.74)
- Unicast stream capture support (v2.74)
- Bug fix for Resource Monitor incorrect reporting of # CPU cores (2.74)
- Debian 10.10 compatibility improvements (v2.73)
- 2110 device default frame rate changed to 59.94 to avoid missing TLV issue (v2.73)
- Fix for network config write permission bug (v2.72)
- Support for clearing error counts (v2.70)
- Reboot capability from Admin page (v2.70)
- Resource Monitor + realtime resource usage graph (v2.70)
- System Report feature v1.0 (first release) (v2.66)
- Instance log downloads no longer cached (always get updated version) (v2.66)
- Updater bug fix (v2.65)
- NMOS UUID clear/regeneration for devices and node (v2.65)
- Network Configuration tool (v.2.64)
- Realtime system bandwidth monitor + iftop improvements (v.2.64)
- Get instanceID by instance name added to API plus duplicate name checking (v2.61)
- Sticky warning messages no longer permanent (Latest, v2.61)
- Serial # displayed when applicable (v2.60)
- Change password from System->User page (v2.60)
- Real-time Input TS Rate displayed on instance status page (v2.59)
- NMOS uDNS/mDNS discovery settings + log level added (Alta-2110) (v2.59)
- NMOS log downloader (Alta-2110) and misc bug fixes (v2.58)
- NMOS version display on website (Alta-2110 only) (v2.57)
- Web updater improvements + support for NMOS updates (v2.57)
- Ability to set 2110 RTP payload ID (2.56)
- SCTE-35 PID save/load bug fix (2.54)
- Updated PTP + NMOS rest api documentation (v2.53)
- Fix for Brazilian timezone issue (v2.53)
- Added Update page so updates can be applied via web (v2.52)
- Fixed SCTE-35 monitor loading issue (v2.52)
- System/WebTools versions now always reflect latest version without rebooting (v2.51)
- Updated documentation, old log file cleanup daemon, “Disable PES Smoothing” option (v2.50)
- Fixed errors endpoint json structure and updated API doc (v2.49)
- Updated instance settings layout and tooltips (v2.49)
- Added static registration server option for NMOS (v2.48)
- Added “Disable 708” feature (v2.47)
- Bug fixes for Alta settings import/export and enabled feature on 2110 Alta (v2.46)
- Added ‘Test Key’ button for validating cloud license keys (v2.45)
- Better reporting of license failure when alta instance terminates (v2.45)
- Fixed PTP status reporting bug (v2.44)
- Refactored/Improved NMOS page (v2.43)
- Bug fixes (PTP status, Vanc monitor) (v.2.43)
- Added IP Mode setting for PTP (multicast/hybrid) (v2.42)
- Added 2022-7 settings and support (v2.42)
- Added ANC Monitor for 2110-40 (v2.42)
- Added encoder and web/api version to System page (v2.41)
- Fixed input capture and network traffic display bug on System page (v2.41)
- Bug/stability fixes (v2.41)
- Added tr101290 + RTP error reporting/tabulation (v2.40)
- Added System page with Network Traffic display (v2.40)
- Added telnet status (v2.40)
How To Install
From website:
Navigate to the “Update” page on the website, upload the .deb file and then click “Apply”. You will be re-directed to the homepage after the update completes.
From command line:
Download the .deb file to your VM from a web browser (you can use the desktop or any other folder), or bring it over by USB or another file transfer mechanism after downloading to another computer. Make sure the extension remains “.deb”, if it is different this may be an indication your computer has tried to unpack it automatically on downloading, which could render it unusable.
Right-click on the file in the VM environment and select the “Install” option to upgrade (or, from a command shell, use `sudo dpkg -i <filename>`